Tuesday 2 August 2011

singgang daging & pak choi

juadah berbuka puasa hari ni - singgang daging, pak choi with oyster sauce & rocket salad cicah budu garnished with tomato & chilli.

singgang daging is basically beef/lamb in hot & sour soup.
ingredients :
dried chillies - cut & soak in hot water.
galangal (lengkuas) - sliced thinly
ginger - sliced thinly
onion - sliced thinly
coriander seeds
asam keping
gula melaka

blend dried chillies, galangal, ginger, onion, belacan and coriander seeds together, mix the spices well into beef/lamb cutlets in the cooking pot and put on the stove. add water into the pot and leave it to boil. then add in the asam keping & gula melaka & salt, put the lid on and let it simmer until the beef/lamb becomes tender.

pak choi in oyster sauce is one of the easiest vege dish, with minimum preparation & cooking.
blanche the pak choi leaves in hot water with a bit of sugar. once soft, drain and arrange on the plate. for the sauce - fry  2 chopped garlic in oil, once it turn yellow, remove from heat. add in oyster sauce + bit of hot water & few drops of sesame oil and mix to thicken, then pour onto the pak choi.  i sprinked some fried onion bits (shop bought)

1 comment:

  1. Singgang & Bak Choy ni memang sedap seantero dunia...just realised yg Faizal buat, kuah dia tak 'clear' sgt...was it sbb daging dia hancur sikit (since hirisan nya slightly nipis than yours). We gave this a TEN as well :-)

    Bak Choy - masih perlu di perbaikki sikit..may be lusa I cuba lagi..sampai jadi perfect! lol
