Monday 29 July 2013

daging masak merah

Day 18 : buka puasa with lots of fruits. Daddy went to the butcher in the morning and went to the nearby Asian gro shop & bought some unripe mangoes to make  mango kerabu and some plaintains (similar to pisang tanduk).  petang pergi Tesco, beli watermelon.

the theme for Day 18 iftar was "sawadee kap".  tried  making Daging Masak Merah for the first time and found an easy recipe online which doesn't use red colouring..

kerabu mangga

pisang goreng ala cik anyah (my great grandma); the classic style of pisang goreng tabur gula - the family favourite

daging goreng merah 


daging lembu - in big chunks (sebesar penumbuk!!)  - rebus for about 45 minutes and toskan, then slice nipis2.
bawang besar - hiris nipis
bawang putih - cincang
halia - hiris halus
baby corn - slice half memanjang
mushrooms - slice thinly (you can skip this)
daun ketumbar/daun bawang
tomatoes - hiris bulat
salt & sugar

sauces :

tomato sauce, sweet chilli sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce. recipe asal guna chilli paste but I had to skip this  sebab ada BBM (british born melayu) in this house  yang tak tahan pedas. so I substituted with sweet chilli sauce.

method :

tumis bawang besar, bawang putih & halia. then masukkan all sauces, garam, gula, bit of water and the sliced beef. let it simmer till the sauce thickens. then add in the mushrooms and baby corn; finally tomatoes and daun ketumbar. senang aja buat nya..

Sunday 14 July 2013

vietnamese spring roll

hari ni buka puasa with fusion food, or bak kata my friend Oya "very the global" food.

main meal - lamb (pan fry) with vege and chips
kueh - vietnamese spring roll
drink - air sirap bandung (soda water + sirap + susu pekat)

i asked kamar to get me kulit popiah yesterday when he went gro shopping at the asian shop. well he bought both - kulit popiah biasa and also rice paper.

so hari ni, kita buat vietnamese punya dulu, esok2 kita buat popiah melayu.  i just used the recommended recipe on the packet.

for the filling
2 cloves garlic
small prawns (boleh ganti dengan crab stick kalau nak)
1 carrot - cut into thin strips
su'un (small packet) - rendam dalam air panas sampai transparent & toskan
ground white pepper & garam secukup rasa (bulan puasa ni kena agak2 sikit lah)


tumis garlic, masukan semua bahan2 diatas (except salad) dan stir fry for few minutes, angkat & toskan. let it cool.

to prepare/gulung

1. fill a large bowl with warm water. soak  one sheet for 30 seconds until soft then place on a damp tea towel.
2. place salad on the sheet along the edge, then spoon the filling over the salad.
3. fold over until filling is covered. fold in each side, roll up and serve.  lebih kurang macam gulung popia biasa.

bila nak makan, dip/cicah in sweet chilli sauce.

cuba lah.. senang saja & its refreshing.. no goreng2.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

lemon layer cake

our big missy baked this at school in the design & technology (cookery) subject. the theme for this term is  "sweet sensations". so far they had baked cookies & cheesecake, the last one before year ends they will make almond tarts.

apa2 pun, when i got home from work today, daddy said "mummy dah ada competitor!.. the lemon cake is really nice". memang ya..its light and tangy and not sweet or too lemony.

she normally gives me the recipe sheet on saturday, for me to get the things when i do my weekly gro shopping.  tuesday morning mummy kena get the ingredients ready. somehow this morning i just realised that i overlooked " lemon curd" for filling. so, daddy had to drive her to co-op at 8am to get the lemon curd and dropped her off at school.

nasib baik lah mummy dulu suka baking, ada lah jugak segala baking tins and common ingredients macam baking powder, icing sugar etc

the cake is something like victoria sandwich, except that the cake letak lemon zest and replace strawberry jam with lemon curd. 

a slice for me - for after dinner..


for 17.5cm (about 8") cake

180g margarine (i always use Stork for baking)
180g caster sugar
3 large eggs
180g self raising flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
rind of 1 lemon

filling : lemon curd (if you cant get lemon curd, can replace with jam)

topping : 50g icing sugar

baking equipment : 2 x 17.5cm cake tins


  1. preheat oven gas 4/180 deg C
  2. place all the cake ingredients in a bowl and mix together with an electric whisk until light and fluffy
  3. divide the mixture between the tins
  4. bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and firm to the touch
  5. carefully remove the cakes from the tins and place on a cooking tray until cold
  6. place one cake on the plate and spread with lemon curd. put the other cake on top. sieve icing sugar or add other decoration

So easy kan???