Monday 27 April 2015

Glowing Face/Seri Muka

its been a very very long time since I last wrote in this blog;  one of the reasons is - its been ages since I last tried a new recipe but the main reason is I've been a lazy bum!...

yesterday, for the first time in my entire life, I tried making Kuih Serimuka. I found this recipe which my fb friend,  a beautiful lady named Puyah (her real name is Fauziah), shared it on her wall.  Puyah is a  friend of my cousin Cik Kinah, whom I knew since I was a teenager way back in the old days in Kelate. the recipe originates from a food blog called Amie's Little kitchen.

I love kuih serimuka but I've always been  intimidated by the lengthy process and not  sure whether the recipe would produce the serimuka yg lemak berkerim. I set such a high standard; it has to be like the one made by my mom or my granny. and to make it worse, since I got married more than 16 years ago, I've never  had any other serimuka except made by Abang Yeb, my brother in law or his late wife arwah kak wan. they make the bestest serimuka ever  and we are spoilt by their superb quality kuih muih melayu.

having looked at the recipe that Puyah posted on fb, my instinct was its do-able and looks good and I should give it a try and guess what?? i'm so pleased with myself! good texture, lovely taste, pulut & topping lembut dan lemak. my encik suami said sedap & pass piawaian serimuka keluarga wan. ada jugak comment sikit - tambah garam sikit je lagi so that lemak sikit.  I sent some to my friend Sani & June and this morning Sani said the serimuka tu sedap, cuma  tambah gula sikit je. but to be honest, semalam I was 20g short of caster sugar..

I had to make it in 2 batches sebab my periuk kukus is small. I have a big steamer but its really really big and malas nak keluarkan from the store. Since the small steamer cannot fit the 8" diameter cake tin, I used a serving bowl instead, hence the shape,  tak kisah lah, janji ada rasa & rupa serimuka. even after one day, the pulut and topping still lembut. my kids especially the big missy likes the kuih. so the verdict  is - BOLEH BUAT LAGI !!

note : yesterday I only made half the adunan sebab  first time buat. what if it doesn't turn out nice, then it would be binned!  

Recipe from Amie's blog (from

Lapisan Bawah:600 gram beras pulut - basuh (rendam sekurang-kurang 3 jam sehingga beras pulut kembang jika anda ingin mengukusnya) dan toskan
100 ml santan
500 ml air
1 sudu teh garam
3 sudu makan minyak masak

Lapisan Kepala:
6 biji telur
400 gula kastor
4 sudu makan tepung beras
4 sudu makan tepung gandum
3 cawan santan pekat
1/4 sudu teh garam 
pewarna hijau epal (1 cm kulit kayu manis + 1 sudu teh jintan + 4 helai daun pandan ditumbuk lumat, bubuh dalam santan dan tapis - tambahkan 4 helai daun pandan kepada 7 helai)

my note : I didn't use daun pandan or colouring hijau because I don't have any of those. I used 1/2 tsp pandan colouring/esen which was "imported" from Malaysia.

1. Didihkan air kukusan.
2. Sementara itu, sediakan Lapisan Bawah. Satukan semua bahan, tanak hingga hampir kering. Masukkan ke dalam loyang 10" x 10", tekan hingga padat. Kukus semula selama 20 minit. (my note : I put a layer of cling film in the bowl sebelum masukan pulut, so that senang nak keluarkan bila semua dah masak nanti)
3. Pukul telur hingga hancur, satukan dengan santan, gula dan kedua-dua jenis tepung, kacau rata.
4. Bubuh pewarna dan garam, gaul sebati dan tapis. Jerang di atas api sederhana, dan kacau hingga naik wap.
5. Tuangkan ke atas Lapisan Bawah, dan kukus lagi selama 30 minit.
6. Sejukkan sebelum dipotong.