Tuesday 1 March 2011

seafood (and vege) tagliatelle

this was our last nite's dinner; i got bored of nasi, nasi, nasi for the past few nites. and this particular pasta dish is one of the easiest & fastest meal to cook and favoured by the kids; even our kenit had a second helping and went to bed with a full tummy without asking for susu.

i got the original recipe from bbc.co.uk/food website.


  1. Heat the olive oil in a pan and gently fry the onion and garlic for 3-4 minutes, or until softened, then stir the cream and reduce for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Stir in the prawns and spring onion, then add the cooked pasta and stir well to coat. Heat through for 1-2 minutes, then add the parsley, egg yolk and season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Stir in the lemon juice.
  3. Place the pasta onto a serving dish and serve.
my notes/modification

i skipped the parsley, spring onion  and egg yolk, added cooked mussels, brocolli,  mushrooms (sliced) and baby spinach.

my preparation:
  1. heat olive oil, fry 1/2 onion and 2 cloves of garlic until softened, then add in brocolli and mushrooms and saute. then stir in the double cream; i must have used more than 150ml. (if you dont have double cream, you can use fresh milk & add in a bit of grated cheddar cheese)
  2. stir in the prawns ( i added cooked mussels), add cooked pasta and stir well to coat. heat thro for 1-2 minutes, then season to taste with salt and ground black pepper. add in baby spinach and stir in lemon juice
  3. serve.

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